The other channels understandably air their lead soaps in a slot when Sun has non-soap programming, between 8.30 and 9.00 pm on weekdays. slot on Monday to Friday, had an average weekly TVR of 33.0 points in week 19 among the F15+ audience. It's 'Kolangal', which is aired in the 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. Sun TV is a way ahead of the pack among Tamil soaps too. In comparison to Azhagi, the channel said that its growth has been more than 100 per cent in terms of TVRs and shares. Earlier, the channel aired reality show Azhagi in this slot.
The show was launched on March 28 (week 14, TAM), in the 8.30 pm to 8.59 pm slot. The reason behind this success is the fact that eyeballs are being chased, and the overall positioning resonates with what Vijay stands for - unique, fresh and differentiated content," said Harsh Rohatgi, Deputy General Manager, Vijay TV. "Our slot shares have increased by more than four times (6 per cent to 26 per cent) with the launch of Idhu Oru Kadhal Kathai.

'Idhu Oru Kadhal Kathai,' produced by Minbimbangal, has helped garner eyeballs for soaps from the F 15-24 category, claims the channel. Vijay TV's experiment of a love story as the theme for a soap on prime time, with a view to expand the audience base, seems to be working.