In 2003 he gave the annual BBC Reith lectures and was the first physician/psychologist to give the lectures since they were begun by Bertrand Russel in 1949. Pada umumnya tembang asmaradana berisi kisah cinta seseorang yang dialami oleh anak muda yang memiliki perasaan dan gejolak hati berapi-api terhadap lawan jenis. His other honors and awards include fellowships from All Souls College, Oxford, and from Stanford University (Hilgard Visiting Professor) the Presidential Lecture Award from the American Academy of Neurology, two honorary doctorates, the annual Ramon Y Cajal award from the International Neuropsychiatry Society, and the Ariens-Kappers medal from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. Tembang asmarandana adalah tembang yang menceritakan kehidupan manusia yang sedang kasmaran atau sedang jatuh cinta dengan lawan jenisnya.

In 2005 he was awarded the Henry Dale Medal and elected to an honorary life membership by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, where he also gave a Friday evening discourse (joining the ranks of Michael Faraday, Thomas Huxley, Humphry Davy, and dozens of Nobel Laureates). He has been called 'The Marco Polo of neuroscience' by Richard Dawkins and 'The modern Paul Broca' by Eric Kandel. Berikut lirik lagu Tombo Ati dan artinya, tembang Jawa yang merupakan syair karangan Sunan Bonang sebagai penenang batin. Ramachandran's early work was on visual perception but he is best known for his experiments in behavioral neurology which, despite their apparent simplicity, have had a profound impact on the way we think about the brain.

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